Unplugged Freedom
Unplugged Freedom
If You're Ever Going Through Something, Keep Going

Embracing Vulnerability: Building Emotional Resilience in Difficult Times

Welcome to the Unplugged Freedom Podcast
Join us for another enriching episode of the Unplugged Freedom podcast, where our host Nathan delves deep into a topic that resonates with everyone – vulnerability, and how it can help navigate through difficult times.

A Journey Through Vulnerability
In this episode titled “Navigating Through Difficult Times: Learning to Be Vulnerable,” Nathan shares his personal journey of overcoming hardships and dealing with the loss of his father. His story is a testament to the power of emotional resilience and vulnerability.

The Power of Vulnerability
Key takeaways from this episode include understanding the importance of vulnerability in personal growth and healing. Nathan beautifully illustrates how being open about your emotions, even during challenging times, aids in self-development and recovery.

Gratitude in Tough Times
Another significant aspect discussed is the role gratitude plays during tough times. Learning to appreciate the small things and expressing gratitude can immensely help in healing and moving forward.

Building a Strong Mindset
Nathan also emphasizes on building a strong mindset to sail through challenging situations. He shares valuable insights on recognizing the impact of past experiences on present emotions and behaviors, and finding ways to release built-up emotions and heal from pain.

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Final Note
Tune in to explore more about emotional resilience and vulnerability, and learn how to navigate life’s challenges with grace and strength. Remember, it’s okay to be vulnerable; it’s the first step towards healing.

Yo, what is happening, guys? Nathan, back once again with another episode of the Unplugged Freedom podcast. And in today’s episode,

I kind of want to talk a little bit more about something I briefly went over in yesterday’s podcast.

And what that is, is when I mentioned that, um, if you’re ever going through something,

I know it may be hard when you’re going through it, and it sucks at the time, whatever it may be. It’s super painful.

You might be filled with anger. You might swing around and go to a, uh, type of sadness and all kinds of things. And sometimes

you might be so deep into it that you think that there’s no end. You can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and

it’s very tough, and it sucks. I know what that’s like, and I’ve been there, and I’ve been through a lot of things in my life, and I’ve had, uh, all kinds of things happen. And I remember when my dad passed away, I just disappeared from the world, basically. And then some friends were kind of worried about me because they didn’t hear from me.

I just disappeared. I think it was like a week. I just didn’t talk to anybody,

and it was what I needed to do. It was extremely hard,

and I didn’t know how to.

How to. How to go about it. There was. There was a lot of feelings as to during that time. And

it’s actually my dad’s birthday today,

but, um, I remember I just disappeared, and I didn’t know what to do. And I remember driving around because a big part of why I came into the town that I was in was because of my dad. And I remember crossing the bridge, goes up to my parents house.

And this was after he passed away. And it was such an interesting feeling because I sat there, uh, and as I was driving, and I’m just going along, and I’m like, why am I here? Why am I here in this town? There’s literally no reason for me to be here.

And it was so interesting because

just the day before, or the days before, like, a few days before, there was a purpose as to why I was here in this town. And then all of a sudden, it was such an interesting feeling to feel that there was literally no reason for me to be here.

I just remember feeling that and thinking that, and it’s so interesting.

And shortly after that, I actually took off. I left to another town. I remember when I was going through that, everybody was worried about me. They’re just like, yo, we haven’t heard from you, man. What’s happening? And I just basically threw my phone away and just disappeared from the world.


that’s something that you really can’t prepare for, is your parents passing away, and you don’t know until it actually happens. And

you never know how much they really meant to you until they’re gone.

I actually don’t think about a whole lot. I should probably just so that I don’t have anything building up inside of me unknowingly. And you’ll hear me talk about that in podcasts, is that when something happens in the beginning, it’s very easy. You don’t have to try to be sad.

You don’t have to try to be hurt. You are just hurt, and you are just sad, and you are just in pain. You don’t have to try. It’s just there. The feelings, the tears, the emotion. It’s just all coming out. But what I always say is that over time, what’s going to happen is that’s going to be less and less.

But what a lot of people don’t know is that inside of you, there’s actually things building up. It’s like a plaque. Like, think of, like, a plaque. Whether it’s on your teeth or it’s, like, in your body, there’s, like, a plaque that builds up, and it’s very silent. Uh, you don’t even notice it, but it’s building up, and it’s not good.

And you may not realize it. And let’s say you may get into an argument with somebody, and you have no idea why. Why did I react that way? Why did I do that? Why did I say that? And you have no idea. But the reason for it is because there’s this thing that is inside of you.

Because it’s not. Being sad or being hurt is not happening automatically. It doesn’t mean it’s not happening subconsciously. And what happens is this builds up inside of you unknowingly, and you don’t necessarily see it, you don’t necessarily feel it. But what you have to do is you have to actually go after it.

You can do it in many ways.

You can

maybe visit some places that bring up certain emotions. Maybe you listen to sad songs, and these sad songs, they put you in that state, and all of a sudden, next thing you know, you’re bawling your eyes out. You’re like, wow, where’s all this fucking emotion coming from? And it’s because it’s been building up inside of you unknowingly.

And you didn’t even know. And so you have to go after it and you have to pull it out, and you have to let that emotion out, and you have to feel that emotion. You have to let it run its course, and then when you do, you feel so much better afterwards.

But don’t let it build up, don’t let it just. Because then it gets to a point where next thing you know, maybe you’re angry all the time, you’re annoyed all the time, there’s just something and you’ve changed, and you don’t even know that you’ve changed. People around you may have even noticed that you’ve changed, but you don’t know.

And you may even think like, no, I’m fine, I’m good. Uh, but it’s because there’s something that has been building up inside of you because you haven’t taken the conscious effort to go and see how do I feel about what happened? I haven’t thought about it for a while.

Something that caused me a lot of pain before. I haven’t brought myself back there. Uh, maybe at the time somebody hurt you and maybe you had a lot of anger and a lot of hate towards that person and you just wanted to hurt them in any way. But then if you go back to it afterwards, it may be completely different.

You may think about that person a lot different. They still hurt you, but you may not have so much anger towards that person. You may have a little bit more compassion, and

you may feel sorry for them and say, you know, it’s too bad that they hurt someone like me, because now they don’t get to have someone like me in their life. Someone who they can rely on, someone who they can trust someone, and that’s too bad for them. I’m sorry for them.

That’s really unfortunate, uh, that they chose to go and do that.

So just because the hurt and the pain is not happening automatically doesn’t mean that it’s not happening subconsciously. So you have to be very aware of that. And that’s why me sitting here talking about my dad and my parents, and

I haven’t really thought about it for a while, and I should actually go in there and pull it out. Because when I start talking about it and when I start thinking about it, um, it’s there, it comes out and I can feel. It’s like, oh, wow, I, uh, didn’t even realize that it was so close to the top.

When I bring up my dad and bring up my parents and my mom and all of those things. And, yeah, and, um, yeah,

when I, when I had disappeared for that week and I had no idea

what, um, um, I was going to do,

it was very interesting because, like I said, my whole purpose for being in the town that I was in, um, there was no purpose for me to be there. And that was such an interesting feeling. But one thing I didn’t know, I knew it, but I didn’t know

how big it was, is that I’ve done a lot of things in my life. I’ve traveled, I’ve been in the military, I’ve moved here, I’ve lived in this place, I’ve lived in that place. The amount of places I’ve lived in the past 15 years would blow people’s minds.


after my parents passed away,

one thing that became very evident and very clear is just how big of a role they played


me, um, sharing what I’m doing. And what I mean is that when I was out traveling, Australia, when I was out know, Indonesia, and I was in China and doing all these things,

the people who I

shared that with the most was my parents.

And I didn’t realize how big that was for me until, uh, after they passed away. After my dad, my mom was in 2018, my dad was two, uh, thousand and 20. It’s been, what, almost four years since he’s passed away. It’s crazy. Four years. And

I didn’t realize how big of a piece that was and what was really difficult. So this kind of goes back to when you’re going through shit and you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. You’re kind of thinking like, how am I going to get through this?

I can’t even tell which way is up. I’m underwater and I don’t even know which way is up. How am I going to get out of this? I’ve been through a lot of shit, but, uh, uh, before I could at least see the light and I just could go that direction, but now I just have no idea.

And that’s such a hard feeling. And so that’s why I’m saying, if you’ve ever been there, you’ve been in that point and it’s just hurt so much.

Just know that I’ve been there before and I know how much it sucks and I know how painful it is, and you don’t know how long that’s going to last. You don’t know if it’s going to last a day, a fucking week, a year. You have no idea. All you know is that you have this mindset of just knowing, okay,

I may not be where I am, I may not be where I want to be today,

but that’s okay, because I know where I’m going. And all I got to do is I just got to keep my head above water, even though I can’t get my head above water. And you just have to have, you have to build that strong mindset in you. You have to gather those tools up as to when I’m in those situations, what tools do I need?

What tools can I turn to

that, um, can help me through those situations? And maybe one of those tools is this podcast. You’re in that shitty situation. You’re like, you know what? I remember that crazy son of a bitch was talking about something like this. Let me listen to him.

And so, yeah, I remember when my dad passed away that of all the. All the things that I was doing in my life,

I didn’t know just how big of a role they played in me sharing that with them. And so when they were gone, after they were done, they were left and there was like, this big hole inside of me that just. It was kind of like, what’s the point?

You know, what’s, what’s the point of going after

my dreams? What’s the point of going after these goals and these aspirations and these things? And what’s the point if you don’t have the people,

when you don’t have the people there that you want to share that with?


that is an

extremely hard place to be at.

And now, just so you know, I’ve never been one to think bad thoughts, you know, like, I’ve. I’ve never been to that point. And, like, if you have, I feel sorry for you. And I. I don’t know what to say. Honestly, I don’t know what to say. And I hope that whatever I do say, that I could help you in some way, that if you’ve ever been there.

Um, but, uh, just know that I’ve never been there. And I’m thankful for that. And I’m grateful for that. I’ve been in very hard places where I didn’t know where I felt like I didn’t have any purpose anymore. I’ve been in places where I didn’t know if I was ever going to get past it or get through it, but I’ve just never thought bad thoughts, you know what I’m saying?

And I’m very grateful for that,

but I don’t necessarily know why. Um, maybe it’s because deep down, subconsciously, I know that I have tools and strategies and ways to be able to deal with things, like, no matter how hard it gets.

And so maybe subconsciously, I know that. But if you didn’t know, even subconsciously, that you have the ability to be able to get through things, then I think when you do hit those points where you feel like you have no purpose, you feel like you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you feel like you don’t know which way is up and which way is down, uh, underwater.

If subconsciously, um,

you know that you don’t have the tools or you think that you don’t have the tools in order to be able to get you through those, then I could imagine that it would take those hopeless feelings even more.

So, like I said, if you’ve ever gone through things like that and you’ve ever felt things like that,

I hope you don’t. Again, I hope I can share something with you that kind of gives you some inspiration and helps you through that. I hope that I can provide you with some sort of tool that can help you. And that’s really a lot of the things in my podcast that I talk about is how I do get through things.

So, yeah, my parents had passed away, and it was really interesting that. To have that feeling of helplessness. Well, not helplessness, just zero purpose. Like, what’s the point?

That was very hard for me because I had no idea. It was a scary feeling to have, because imagine having no purpose. If you don’t have a purpose in life,

uh, it’s one thing to try and think about not having a purpose, but it’s one thing to feel it. You’re kind of like, well, what’s the point? Why am I in this town?

Why am I doing the things that I’m doing? What’s the point if the people that I want to share it with the most are not even here?


how did I get through that? Um. I’ve always been one to

have a strong mindset, to be able to talk myself through things and not turn to certain things, like drugs or alcohol or whatever it may be. I understand. Part of me is grateful for a lot of the things that I have gone through and that I have felt and that I have made it through and that I’ve experienced.

Because what that allows me to have is to have that experience. So that when someone comes to me and they’re asking for advice, and

maybe they just broke up with somebody and they’re hurting, I’ve been there before. I’ve been there before. Just whatever it maybe I have so much life experience and so much life lived. I’ve been through it all. I’ve been through amazing times. I’ve been through shitty times. I’ve been through stressful times.

And I’ve been through so many different aspects of life, the highs and the lows. And so

I’m able to understand someone. I’m able to share that experience with them. I’m able to connect with them on that. And so being grateful is one of the things


is a great tool

when you are hurting. Sometimes m you’re focusing on outside things, and you’re thinking, like, why did that person do that? Why did they do that? Why does life have to be this way? You’re thinking of all these things, but sometimes when you can pull it back in and you can say, you know what?

I’m really grateful for these things. And whatever it is that you’re grateful for, you can say anything. I’m grateful for the rain. I’m grateful that I can feel the rain. I’m grateful for my sight. I’m grateful that I have the ability

to go and go to the gym and go work out.

And when you can be grateful in a shitty time,

that is a muscle that you want to be able to build up, but it will help you so much so to get through so much so remember the next time that something’s happening and you’re hurting, be grateful.

Sometimes it sucks, sometimes you can’t be grateful. It’s hard to. You’re like, how am I supposed to be grateful when all I want to do is just fucking, uh, you’re so angry, you’re filled with hatred,

and there you are trying to try to be grateful. It is tough.

Yeah. I wanted to talk a lot about, uh, different things on this podcast. I had one area in my mind that I wasn’t even expecting to kind of talk about my dad and stuff, but, uh, I didn’t actually realize just how much it was built up. I’m talking about how you got to go in there and go after it, but, uh, I got to be more conscious of it.

And that’s the thing, is, you got to be conscious of these things. You have to put in the work of these things. You know, like, um,

whatever it is, you know, you want to work out, you want to lose weight, well, you have to put in that effort. The first week, the first couple of weeks might be grand, and you’re like, wow, I lost so much weight. Wow, everything’s going so great. Really now, if you can, and you’re motivated, you’re like, man, I’m feeling good, I’m looking good.

Yeah. But when everything’s going to shit, that’s where, uh, you got to pull out the real you. That’s where you got to just dig down deep and go after it. I remember times

where I was just, like, hurt. And

something you want to do is, you know, that physiology changing, your physiology, being depressed on the couch, that’s not going to help you. It’s not going to help you at all. But what’s going to help you is going to the gym. You may half ass your way through a workout, but at least you did something.

You still changed your physiology. You still did something. I don’t expect you to give 110% in the workout when you’re hurting, but if you’re out there anyways and you know, deep down, like, hey,

my heart hurts right now. I hate it. It sucks. I have a lot of anger towards this person over here. I have a lot of hurt of how they could do such a thing. But I know that wallowing in it is not going to help. And I need to go to the gym.

I need to, need to do something. And having that conscious effort is just, that’s going to help you in those times. You’re going to go do something that normally you wouldn’t do if you got maybe a lake that’s close to you and it’s wintertime, go take a cold plunge.

Go do it.

And so there was something else I wanted to talk about. What was it?

You know, I’m.

If you’re, if you’re listening to this, first of all, thank you for listening. I appreciate it.

Um, but if you are listening to this, and I, uh, even mentioned this yesterday, depending on how many episodes you have listened to, you may know me a lot more than most people do. I share a lot of things on this podcast that I don’t share with a lot of people,

mainly because, in a way, it’s anonymous and I just need to get it off my chest. I just need to talk about it. I need to share it. I need to take what’s in my mind and try and translate it into English, as I like to say, because I know what’s in my mind, but I sometimes might not know how to translate that directly into English.

And so

that’s what I like about the podcast. It helps me take whatever’s inside and get it out. And it’s, um, in. In return. Well, not in return, but I also hope that you who is listening to this, you can understand, and maybe you can get something from what I am talking about.

And I do have a few people that will come to me and they’ll say, like, hey, just randomly, and it’s always great. It means so much when somebody comes to me and says, hey, I listened to this and I want you to know that. Thank you.

And it just means so much. But there’s a lot of things that a lot of people don’t know about me. I keep a lot of things very close to my heart.

This person who you were listening to, I’m actually quite, uh, an emotional person, quite an emotional person, spiritual person. I feel with my heart,

um, I care a lot. I care deeply. Sometimes might put off an energy of, um, like, I don’t care sometimes I might keep people at what I call arm’s length and not allow people in. I sometimes might have cover up all that I may be going through, and I’m very good at it.

And I’ll tell you right now, that is not a skill that you want to have, being very good at covering up what you are feeling. It’s not a good skill to have, because the reason for that is because you may not have the tools in order to get you through those things.

And if you don’t have the tools to be able to get you through those things, but if you’re really good at hiding it from everybody, then nobody’s ever going to know and you may not get through it.

I have a lot of those tools that help me get through a lot of things. So even though I’m very good at hiding what I may be going through, what I may be feeling. Mhm. It’s okay, because I have the tools and the knowledge and the

tactics that will help me get through those things. Even though you may have no clue about it whatsoever.

But I’m just saying that it’s not a skill that you want if you’re not prepared, if you’re not prepared with the skill set. So, yeah, um, I will have a very strong, um, presence about myself. I have a lot of walls that very few people get by, and that’s.

It’s actually

not where I began. Where I was before was an extremely closed in person. Like this person who you are listening to right now. Extremely different compared to who I was before.

I remember this one girl, this was like, before I was like 25. We had dated for like five, six years. And her dad would call me Stone face, but I was really good at, uh, reading people, and I was really good at other things. Uh, and he would call me stone faced because I would not show anything.

Nobody was allowed in. I was just very guarded, very closed in. I didn’t allow anybody to see. And over those years, as I was growing and, uh, I had learned a bit, but I remember when we had broken up, and I was pretty much saying goodbye to her family and her mom gave me a hug.

And one of the things that she said was,

because she saw a part of me, she saw me be vulnerable. She saw moments of it. She was like one of the pioneers who got to see the first stages of me opening up and coming out of my shell. And

when I was leaving and I was basically saying goodbye and onto the next chapter in my life. And one of the things that she said was, you got to learn to be vulnerable.

And, uh, I looked at her and I said, yeah,

I’ve always kept that with me. I don’t know, it was just such a special moment and

just, uh, how she said it. And it was like she was giving that strength to me.

And over the years, I learned more and more about being vulnerable and opening up that shell. And it’s not easy, I’ll tell you, that. Sucks. Hate it. Hate it.

And what’s really tough is that as difficult as it is, you put me in certain situations, uh, where I excel at, I will dominate those places, I will dominate those times. But being open, being vulnerable, sharing in that, no, it’s not a skill that I excel at. Right? Like, there’s people who know algebra inside and out and they love it, and then there’s people who just cannot get math whatsoever.

And that’s kind of like how I am with being open and vulnerable.

But I’ve learned over the years, and I’ll tell you that if you are not that kind of person

to try and find places and people that

you can practice or be vulnerable with, and if you. Okay, there’s a lot that I want to squeeze into this. What I want to talk about is that if you are on the receiving end of someone being vulnerable and opening up and sharing and cracking open that shell just a, uh, little tiny bit, if you are ever on the receiving end of that, you have to know, and you have to recognize just how special that is.

You have to know that that person, it is taking so much strength for that person to be able to say, hey, I trust you enough that I want to share this piece with you. This is a piece of my heart, and I want to allow you in. I’m trusting you with this.

Knowledge with this piece of me. And you, if you’re ever on the receiving end, you have to make sure that

you share just how much you value them. Trusting you enough, uh, to show you that piece of them. And the reason I say that is because

I’ve had times where you’re kind of getting to know people. Kind of like, should I share this? Should I not? Are they that kind of person that I would trust? And then maybe you do. You make that decision, you’re like, you know what? I trust this person. I’m going to share something with this person, something that I may not share with a lot of people, but that’s okay.

I’m trusting them.

And I’ve had times like this where I have opened up and I have shared it and people have, there’s few things that they can do. People have just kind of totally disregarded it and just kind of, like, continued the conversation of like, oh, we should just go watch the football game.

Did you watch the football game yesterday? You’re like, oh, wow. So, uh, you totally didn’t even recognize that I was opening up and I was in a very vulnerable state there, sharing with, you

know, and then you just totally railroaded over top of that and, okay, I’m never doing that again. All right, wow. Uh, let’s close that up. Oops, I made a mistake. And you feel very embarrassed that you even did such a thing. You’re like, uh uh. And that sucks.

Now, another thing is that how somebody can react is totally not the way that you want them to react. I’ve had that before as well, where I’ve trusted somebody enough to share something, and I thought, like, you know what? I’m going to trust this person. And you open up and you share, and you share something very close to you, and then they react in such a way, maybe they totally disregard you being vulnerable and you opening up, and maybe they didn’t like what you said.

What did you just, uh, say? Whatever it was. And then all of a sudden they kind of go after you about that and you’re m, like, oh, wow. So you totally just making me feel like a bad person when I was just sharing a piece of me. And then what happens once again is that closes up and you’ll never share with that person ever again.

I’ve had that. I’ve had that a few times. I’ve, uh, had that more than a few times. And it sucks. You’ll m have moments where you might know somebody, you might think that you’re friends with somebody you might think that you’re good friends with somebody

and things are just great, and you’re liking it and you’re trusting them and you’re enjoying things. And

maybe you might be thinking certain thoughts and thoughts that you maybe never thought of before, and then all of a sudden, you’re just kind of, uh, thinking that everything’s grand with this person. This person is very close to me, this person. I trust this person. And little by little, I am opening up and being more vulnerable with this person and sharing more with them.

And then all of a sudden, out of the blue, that person turns around

and breaks that trust completely.

And that sucks. That sucks to no end.

Where you have opened up. All these situations suck. When you are opening up and you’re trying to be vulnerable and then all of a sudden, some way, somehow, maybe they ignore you being vulnerable. Maybe they react not in a way that you were expecting, and they totally disregard the courage or the bravery that you had to drum up in order to open up the little tiny bit that you did.

Or perhaps you were friends with somebody who you were allowing into your space. And little by little, you were getting more comfortable with them. And then out of the blue, they show you their true colors. And I talked about this yesterday, how they are really good at hiding just how shitty of a person that they are.

And that sucks.

And that is, unfortunately, what you have to go through in being open, being vulnerable. So when my ex girlfriend’s mom told me and said, hey, you’ve got to learn to be vulnerable. And there I am, um, going out and trying to be vulnerable, trying to build that piece of me,

and then you have people who don’t make it easier,

and they just ruin it. And what’s unfortunate is that there may be new people who come into your life, and these people might be amazing. These people might genuinely care. These people might genuinely want to want to listen.

They’re 100% sincere. But unfortunately, because of the bad apples along the way and the way that you have been treated along the way, while trying to be open and vulnerable and sharing and all of these things, and you’ve been hurt by people, you’ve been thrown away, like yesterday’s news by people, you’ve just been trashed.

And what that does is that closes up your heart. And you kind of think, like, I’m going to keep my heart protected, or perhaps

you’ve been hurt, maybe recently, and you just close that up and you say, you know what? It’s really vulnerable at the moment. And I don’t want to let anybody in at the moment. I need to heal this first. I need to build up some of that strength before I can open up with people.


I just got to heal a bit. And unfortunately, people, people suck sometimes. It’s true. People suck sometimes. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. They do. They very much do. Not all the people. There are some really good people out there. And unfortunately, you’re going to run into some shitty people.

And like I said yesterday, you’re going to run into people that are so shitty, they know how to hide it, and they’re going to earn your trust. You’re going to allow them in,

and, uh, they are going to take that for granted and they are going to hurt you. And that sucks. It really does.

So that’s why I say if you are ever on the receiving end of somebody opening up somebody, just sharing somebody, allowing you into their world,

recognize that, appreciate that, let them know that you appreciate it, let them know that, uh, you know that it’s not easy and that you’re so grateful that they chose you. They chose you to open up to, they chose you to share with. They trusted you out of all the other people, out of all the other whatever.

You. You are their person that they have chosen.

And what you’re going to do is you’re going to help that person. You’re going to help that person so much because they’re going to see that. And then what’s going to happen from that is they are going to open up more to you because they trust you more. They know that they can come to you and they can appreciate that.

And then they know that it’s safe.

So that’s why I say appreciate it if you’re ever on the receiving end so much. So much. It.


learn to be vulnerable. That’s what they said. It’s not easy. Definitely not. But one way that I do it is through this podcast. That’s why I say, if you listen to this podcast and you’re listening to this right now, I appreciate it so much. Like, I’m just here standing here talking for 48 minutes, trying to share something that I can hope that can get into the mind of somebody so that one day when they’re going through something, they’ll think like, hey, this is what that fucking guy was talking about.

I think over time, I’ll definitely share a lot of things. I already do share a lot of things on here that a lot of people don’t know about. But there’s a lot of things that

there’s a lot of things that I don’t share.

Maybe I will. Maybe I will. Obviously, I’d like to.


Just m trying to think there’s anything I wanted to say.

I think that’s pretty much it. Well, there is a lot to say, a lot to talk about. Um, there is actually something that I do want to talk about that’s kind of on my mind.

There’s really only one person who knows about it,

and the reason that there’s just that one person is because of how they listen.

One of these days, I’m going to do a podcast on listening. And listening is such a skill that if you get good at it, it’s going to benefit you and your life. Well, what it’s also going to allow is for other people to come to you. And that’s why a lot of people come to me for certain things.

That’s why a lot of people have opened up to me about things that they’ve never told anybody else. It’s because I listen.

I listen, and I understand. I don’t judge.

And for some people, maybe even just because you haven’t shared with certain people doesn’t mean that you’re never going to. It’s just, unfortunately, like I was saying, other people may have ruined that person’s opportunity for you to open up. Because, let’s say if these other people didn’t lose your trust, didn’t betray you, didn’t do any of that, maybe

you would be sharing with certain people in your life.

So just because somebody doesn’t share something with you, don’t think that they don’t want to, they might just be in a stage where they’re just still feeling you out. They’re just thinking, okay, you know what? I would like to share with this person, but unfortunately, I’ve been burned so many times.

Or perhaps you’ve been recently burned, and you just want to protect your heart at the moment, even though you want to. And I’ve been there. Uh, part of me kind of feels bad for not sharing with certain people.

But just know that. That if somebody’s not sharing something with you, it’s not because they don’t want to or they don’t think that you are of worthiness. It may be just because of other people’s inappropriate, uh, actions that have caused them to protect their heart, and they only turn to certain people that they know that they can trust, that they know that they can talk to.

And so, yeah, that’s like, that’s, um,

that’s where I’m at at the moment. There’s something. I don’t know. Um. There’s something at the moment that really.

That is really shitty,

and it really sucks,


I can’t wait until I’m past it.

Yeah. And I know I’m being vague and fucking sucks when people are being vague, but, uh, yeah, I don’t think that person will ever listen to this anyways. I don’t know if they’ve ever listened to my podcast before.


Uh, but

I got to get to bed. I got to be on the road early tomorrow morning. I it’s really interesting. I know I don’t have much time here. How do I fill an hour with time? I don’t know. I just do. Uh, no script, no nothing. I just give her.

But it’s almost like one chapter is closing and another one is about to begin. And unfortunately, some things had to be closed,

and I didn’t want them to, but, um. Yeah, unfortunately, they had to.

Anyways, if you listen to this far one. Sorry for being so vague. Maybe I’ll tell you one of these days. Uh, but, yeah, tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new day. Tomorrow is. I actually can’t wait for tomorrow.

Um, I wish it was tomorrow already, just so I can push all this shit to the side and never look back

and just focus on

the new path.

Yeah. And anyways, thanks for listening. Bye.